Annual growth of pork consumption in Uganda
Early on, a detailed study of the industry in Uganda showed us that there is a growing demand for pork (Ugandans love their Pork and Chips!).
Pounds of pork consumed per person annually in uganda — the highest per capita in africa
Ugandans consume more pork per capita than any other country on the African continent. There was a clear need for quality pork in East Africa. Eternal Hope made the bold step to build a pig farm to help fill that need.
100% of the profit from our farm stays in Uganda to rescue trafficked girls
That’s where we come in. When the Eternal Hope farm is fully operational (January 2020) and we are selling our finisher hogs, we forecast considerable profits. Importantly, ALL PROFITS will stay in the country to help girls who have become victims of sex-trafficking.
Lives of girls in Uganda are being changed by Eternal Hope. For five years we have been helping to fund long-term aftercare, redemption, and hope. Eternal Hope has assisted numerous survivors establish small businesses, providing needed hope for their futures. Here are two of their stories.
Over $2 million has been invested to establish the farm and launch our successful breeding program. Because we BELIEVE so deeply in this cause, most of the funding has come from our own personal investment.
But we need YOU to help us reach our final goal.
An additional $250,000 is needed to operate the farm until we begin selling hogs in 2020.
We are SO CLOSE! Will you help us get there?
Watch the farm video below
How to get involved?
Will you please help us cross the finish line? We are SO CLOSE to sustainable income to fund the ongoing rescue and redemption of Ugandan girls trapped in sex-trafficking.
THE NEED: $250,000
Please pray with us as we seek to love the most vulnerable demographic in East Africa.
The need is significant. So many girls to rescue and help…