We Identified A Sustainable Funding Source
With the goal of finding a way to provide an ongoing funding source for the rescue and long-term aftercare of Ugandan girls from sex trafficking, we worked with consultants on the ground in Uganda to identify an industry that offered a high potential for profitability and success.
The Ugandan Pork Industry
A detailed study of the pork industry in Uganda showed us that there is a growing demand for pork (Ugandans love their Pork!). With an immature pork production industry (the majority of pigs are raised by subsistence farmers), it became clear that there was a real need for a Commercial Pig Farm.
Eternal Hope Pig Farm — Uganda
Long-term Aftercare
Trafficking is a real problem. Each of these girls has a face and a name. They are really no different than your sister, or possibly your daughter. We are passionate about seeing girls freed from forced bondage, spiritually redeemed, restored, educated and trained, and ultimately enabled to succeed in life.
100% of the profits from our pig farm will fund the rescue and long-term aftercare so desperately needed.